Greater Moncton Area
Petitcodiac Watershed Alliance

Our urban forests play an essential role in urban areas by providing environmental, economic and social benefits to municipalities. These benefits include sequestration of gaseous air pollutants and particulates, energy conservation through cooling and providing shade, wind buffering, storm-water attenuation, noise buffering, provision of wildlife habitat, increased property value, and improved aesthetics and psychological wellbeing. We fostered environmental awareness of urban forests in the Greater Moncton Area this summer by developing and delivering a free nature interpretation program to a broad audience, ranging from young children to senior citizens. In addition, we organized bioblitzes to inventory the biodiversity of our urban forests and produced podcasts related to wildlife and plants in New Brunswick. These podcasts are currently available on our YouTube channelAdditional information.

This project runs from June to December 2018 and will hopefully continue offering free nature guided walks in future years.En Bi Col Tag jpg
 © 2018 NBEN / RENB